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1# Frankenstein: 1D disc brightness profile reconstruction from Fourier data
2# using non-parametric Gaussian Processes
4# Copyright (C) 2019-2020 R. Booth, J. Jennings, M. Tazzari
6# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
7# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
9# (at your option) any later version.
11# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14# GNU General Public License for more details.
16# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17# along with this program. If not, see <>
19"""This module contains plotting routines for visualizing and analyzing
20Frankenstein fits.
23import numpy as np
24import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
26# Suppress some benign warnings
27import warnings
28warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', '.*compatible with tight_layout.*')
29warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', '.*handles with labels found.*')
31from frank.utilities import sweep_profile
34def plot_deprojection_effect(u, v, up, vp, vis, visp, axes):
35 """
36 Overplot projected and deprojected (u, v) coordinates;
37 projected and deprojected visibility amplitudes
38 (here 'projection' refers to correcting collectively for the source
39 inclination, position angle and phase offset)
41 Parameters
42 ----------
43 u, v : array
44 Projected (u, v) coordinates
45 up, vp : array
46 Deprojected (u, v) coordinates
47 vis : array
48 Projected visibilities (either the real or imaginary component)
49 visp : array
50 Deprojected visibilities (either the real or imaginary component)
51 axes : list[Axes, Axes]
52 Three axes on which to plot
53 """
55 ax0, ax1 = axes
57 ax0.plot(u, v, '+', c='#23E1DB', label='Projected')
58 ax0.plot(up, vp, 'x', c='#D14768', label='Deprojected')
60 # Projected baselines
61 bs = np.hypot(u, v)
62 # Deprojected baselines
63 bsp = np.hypot(up, vp)
65 ax1.plot(bs, vis, '+', c='#23E1DB', label='Projected')
66 ax1.plot(bsp, visp, 'x', c='#D14768', label='Deprojected')
68 ax0.legend(loc='best')
69 ax1.legend(loc='best')
72def plot_brightness_profile(fit_r, fit_i, ax, dist=None, low_uncer=None,
73 high_uncer=None, **kwargs):
74 """
75 Plot a brightness profile (and optionally a confidence inverval) as a
76 function of disc radius, I(r)
78 Parameters
79 ----------
80 fit_r : array
81 Radial data coordinates
82 fit_i : array
83 Brightness values at fit_r
84 ax : Matplotlib `~.axes.Axes` class
85 Axis on which to plot
86 dist : float, optional, default = None, unit = [AU]
87 Distance to source. If not None, a new `ax` will be created to
88 show an upper x-axis in [AU] for the plot on the current `ax`
89 low_uncer : Negative (i.e., below MAP) uncertainty on fit_i
90 high_uncer : Positive (i.e., above MAP) uncertainty on fit_i
92 Returns
93 -------
94 ax_new : Matplotlib `~.axes.Axes` class
95 Only if dist is not None, the second x-axis, ax_new will be returned
97 """
99 if dist:
100 ax_new = ax.twiny()
101 ax_new.spines['top'].set_color('#1A9E46')
102 ax_new.tick_params(axis='x', which='both', colors='#1A9E46')
103 ax_new.plot(fit_r * dist, fit_i, **kwargs)
104 ax_new.set_xlabel('r [AU]', color='#1A9E46')
106 return ax_new
108 else:
109 if low_uncer is not None:
110 if high_uncer is None:
111 high_uncer = low_uncer * 1.
112 ax.fill_between(fit_r, fit_i - low_uncer, fit_i + high_uncer, **kwargs)
114 ax.plot(fit_r, fit_i, **kwargs)
116 ax.axhline(0, c='c', ls='--', zorder=10)
118 if 'label' in kwargs:
119 ax.legend(loc='best')
122def plot_vis_quantity(baselines, vis_quantity, ax, vis_quantity_err=None,
123 **kwargs):
124 r"""
125 Plot a visibility domain quantity (e.g., observed visibilities, a frank fit,
126 residual visibilities, a power spectrum) as a function of baseline
128 Parameters
129 ----------
130 baselines : array
131 Baseline data coordinates `b`
132 vis_quantity : array
133 A generic quantity `Q` to plot as a function of baselines `b`, Q(b)
134 ax : Matplotlib `~.axes.Axes` class
135 Axis on which to plot
136 vis_quantity_err : array, optional, default = None
137 Uncertainty on vis_quantity values
138 """
140 # If input arrays are masked with invalid values ('--'), replace those
141 # masked values with NaN
142 if
143 baselines =
144 vis_quantity =
145 if vis_quantity_err is not None:
146 vis_quantity_err =
148 if vis_quantity_err is not None:
149 ax.errorbar(baselines, vis_quantity, yerr=vis_quantity_err, **kwargs)
150 else:
151 ax.plot(baselines, vis_quantity, **kwargs)
153 ax.axhline(0, c='c', ls='--', zorder=10)
155 if 'label' in kwargs:
156 ax.legend(loc='best')
159def plot_vis_hist(binned_vis, ax, rescale=None, **kwargs):
160 r"""
161 Plot a histogram of visibilities using a precomputed binning
163 Parameters
164 ----------
165 binned_vis : UVDataBinner object
166 Pre-binned visibilities (see utilities.UVDataBinner)
167 ax : Matplotlib `~.axes.Axes` class
168 Axis on which to plot
169 rescale : float, default=None
170 Constant by which to rescale x-values
171 """
173 edges = np.concatenate([binned_vis.bin_edges[0].data,
174 binned_vis.bin_edges[1].data[-1:]])
176 # alter x-axis units
177 if rescale is not None:
178 edges /= rescale
180 counts =
182 ax.hist(0.5 * (edges[1:] + edges[:-1]), edges, weights=counts, alpha=.5, **kwargs)
184 if 'label' in kwargs:
185 ax.legend(loc='best')
188def plot_convergence_criterion(profile_iter, N_iter, ax, **kwargs):
189 r"""
190 Plot the following convergence criterion for a Frankenstein fit,
191 :math:`{\rm max}(|I_i - I_{i-1}|) / {\rm max}(I_i)`,
192 where :math:`I_i` is the brightness profile at iteration :math:`i`
194 Parameters
195 ----------
196 profile_iter : list, shape = (N_iter, N_coll)
197 Brightness profile reconstruction over N_iter iterations.
198 N_coll is the number of collocation points, i.e., the number of grid
199 points at which the profile is defined
200 N_iter : int
201 Total number of iterations in the fit
202 ax : Matplotlib `~.axes.Axes` class
203 Axis on which to plot
205 """
207 convergence_criterion = []
208 for i in range(N_iter):
209 this_conv_cri = np.max(np.abs(profile_iter[i] - profile_iter[i-1])) / \
210 np.max(profile_iter[i])
211 convergence_criterion.append(this_conv_cri)
213 ax.plot(range(0, N_iter), convergence_criterion, **kwargs)
216def make_colorbar(ax, vmin, vmax, cmap, label, loc=3, bbox_x=.05, bbox_y=.175):
217 """
218 Custom format to place a colorbar in an inset
220 Parameters
221 ----------
222 ax : Matplotlib `~.axes.Axes` class
223 Axis in which to inset the colorbar
224 vmin, vmax : int
225 Lower and upper bounds of colorbar scale
226 cmap : colormap
227 Colormap to apply to the colorbar
228 label : string
229 Label for colorbar
230 loc : int, one of [1, 2, 3, 4], default = 3
231 Quadrant of colorbar in ax
232 bbox_x, bbox_y : float, default = 0.05 and 0.175
233 x- and y-value where the colorbar is placed
234 """
236 from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import inset_axes
237 axins1 = inset_axes(ax, width="50%", height="5%", loc=loc,
238 bbox_to_anchor=(bbox_x, bbox_y, 1, 1),
239 bbox_transform=ax.transAxes)
240 sm =,
241 norm=plt.Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax))
242 cbar = plt.colorbar(sm, cax=axins1, orientation="horizontal")
243 cbar.set_label(label)
244 axins1.xaxis.set_ticks_position("bottom")
247def plot_iterations(x, iters, n_iter, ax,
248, # pylint: disable=no-member
249 bbox_x=-.02, bbox_y=-.1, **kwargs):
250 r"""
251 Plot a fit quantity (e.g., the brightness profile or power spectrum) over a
252 range of the fit's iterations
254 Parameters
255 ----------
256 x : array
257 x-values at which to plot (e.g., radii for a brightness profile or
258 baselines for a power spectrum)
259 iters : list, shape = (n_iter, N_coll)
260 Iterations to plot (e.g., brightness profiles or power spectra at each
261 of n_iter iterations)
262 n_iter : list, of the form [start_iteration, stop_iteration]
263 Range of iterations in the fit over which to plot iters
264 ax : Matplotlib `~.axes.Axes` class
265 Axis on which to plot
266 cmap : colormap,
267 Colormap to apply to the overplotted profiles
268 bbox_x, bbox_y : float, default = -0.02 and -0.1
269 x- and y-value where the colorbar is placed
270 """
271 if n_iter[0] >= n_iter[1] or n_iter[1] > len(iters):
272 raise ValueError("Require: n_iter[0] < n_iter[1] and"
273 " n_iter[1] <= len(iters)")
275 iter_range = range(n_iter[0], n_iter[1])
276 for i in iter_range:
277 ax.plot(x, iters[i], c=cmap(i / len(iter_range)), **kwargs)
278 ax.plot(x, iters[-1], ':', c='k', label='Last iteration', **kwargs)
280 make_colorbar(ax, vmin=n_iter[0], vmax=n_iter[1], cmap=cmap,
281 label='Iteration', loc=1, bbox_x=bbox_x, bbox_y=bbox_y)
283 ax.legend(loc='best')
286def plot_2dsweep(r, I, ax, cmap='inferno', norm=None, xmax=None, ymax=None,
287 dr=None, plot_colorbar=True, project=False, phase_shift=False,
288 geom=None, cbar_label=r'I [Jy sr$^{-1}$]', **kwargs):
289 r"""
290 Plot a radial profile swept over :math:`2 \pi` to produce an image
292 Parameters
293 ----------
294 r : array
295 Radial coordinates at which the 1D brightness profile is defined.
296 The assumed unit (for the x- and y-label) is arcsec
297 I : array
298 Brightness values at r. The assumed unit (for the colorbar) is Jy / sr
299 ax : Matplotlib `~.axes.Axes` class
300 Axis on which to plot
301 cmap : Matplotlib colormap, default = 'inferno'
302 Colormap to apply to the 2D image
303 norm : Matplotlib `colors.Normalize` class
304 Colormap normalization for the image and colorbar.
305 xmax, ymax : float or None (default)
306 Value setting the x- and y-bounds of the image (same units as r). The
307 positive and negative bounds are both set to this value (modulo sign).
308 If not provided, these will be set to r.max()
309 dr : float, optional, default = None
310 Pixel size (same units as r). If not provided, it will be set at the
311 same spatial scale as r
312 plot_colorbar: bool, default = True
313 Whether to plot a colorbar beside the image
314 project : bool, default = False
315 Whether to project the swept profile by the supplied geom
316 phase_shift : bool, default = False
317 Whether to phase shift the projected profile by the supplied geom.
318 If False, the source will be centered in the image
319 geom : SourceGeometry object, default=None
320 Fitted geometry (see frank.geometry.SourceGeometry). Here we use
321 [deg], geom.PA [deg], geom.dRA [arcsec], geom.dDec [arcsec] if
322 project=True
323 cbar_label : string, default = r'I [Jy sr$^{-1}$]'
324 Colorbar axis label
325 """
327 I2D, xmax_computed, ymax_computed = sweep_profile(r, I,
328 xmax=xmax, ymax=ymax,
329 dr=dr,
330 project=project,
331 phase_shift=phase_shift,
332 geom=geom)
334 if xmax is None:
335 xmax = xmax_computed
336 if ymax is None:
337 ymax = ymax_computed
339 if norm is None:
340 import matplotlib.colors as mpl_cs
341 norm = mpl_cs.Normalize(vmin=I2D.min(), vmax=I2D.max())
343 ax.imshow(I2D, origin='lower', extent=(xmax, -1.0 * xmax, -1.0 * ymax, ymax),
344 cmap=cmap, norm=norm, **kwargs
345 )
347 # Set a normalization and colormap for the colorbar
348 if plot_colorbar:
349 from matplotlib import cm
350 m = cm.ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=cmap)
351 m.set_array([])
353 cbar = plt.colorbar(m, ax=ax, orientation='vertical', shrink=.7)
354 cbar.set_label(cbar_label)